Zbog interesa javnosti iz Ministarstva zaštite okoliša i prirode su poslali studiju i preporuku koje su za potrebe Europske komisije izradili konzultanti, a odnose se na Plan gospodarenja otpadom koji je pripremila prethodna Vlada. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode te je preporuke ugradila u Plan gospodarenja otpadom 2016.-2022.
Ističu sljedeće komentare koji se odnose na Plan koji je pripremila prethodna administracija, a koji se protežu na 30 stranica dokumenta:
1. Planirani centri za gospodarenje otpadom su značajno prekapacitirani te dovode u opasnost ispunjavanje EU obveza koje se odnose na odvojeno prikupljanje otpada
citat, str. 25.: "Furthermore, the total treatment capacity of about 1 300 000 tonnes/year is extremely high given the current level of MSW generation (of 1.7 million tonnes). Even allowing for waste growth as projected in the revised plan (the basis of the projections or which are not entirely clear), this level of treatment will make it extremely difficult for the levels of recycling now being proposed in the revised legislative proposal in the circular economy package to be met. It should be considered that the existing Waste Framework Directive, whilst it sets recycling targets which Croatia might meet (under method 2), also requires Member States to implement the waste hierarchy as a priority order in policy and law."
Podsjećamo da do 2020. Hrvatska treba reciklirati 50% papira, stakla, metala i plastike
2. Sustav gospodarenje otpadom u Hrvatskoj se razvijao naopačke bez poštivanja hijerarhije gospodarenja otpadom s čime se nastavilo i u Planu gospodarenja otpadom prethodne Vlade, navodi se i neusklađenost s Direktivom o otpadu.
citat, str 26.:"In addition, as was previously indicated, Croatia’s infrastructure system has been designed very much using a top-down approach, as is reflected in the new plan. It is not clear, however, that this is the correct approach for ensuring there is appropriate infrastructure to allow prevention, preparation for reuse, and recycling activities to flourish (i.e. separate collection) at the local level.
citat, str. 29.: „The basis for implementing the waste hierarchy is neither well defined in the current legislation or the recently issued waste management plan. There appears to be no mechanism for implementing the hierarchy as a priority order for waste management in line with Article 4;
3. Ističe se neambicioznost u postizanju sprječavanja nastanka otpada
citat, str. 29-30.: „The waste prevention programme that has been developed lacks ambition even to the extent that the Waste Management Act indicated it might be“
4. Nepostojanje modela odvojenog prikupljanja biootpada i kompostiranja
citat, str. 29-30.: „Despite food waste forming a significant proportion of the waste stream, there is no firm commitment in the legislation or in the recently issued plan to introduce source segregated biowaste collection schemes.“
5. Podaci o recikliranju nisu konzistentni
citat, str. 29-30: „There are inconsistencies in the data on recycling reported through the producer responsibility schemes: in particular the amount of packaging reported as being placed on the market appears extremely low in comparison to the amount of municipal waste and its composition. This implies that Croatia’s actual performance in respect of packaging recycling is likely to be considerably lower than that indicated in the data returns currently being submitted to Eurostat.“
Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode komentare i preporuke zaprimilo je u travnju 2016.